Sunday, March 8, 2009

God Is in the Small Things

God knows our needs! I know it is a small thing, but God is in the small things. This past Tuesday, I did not take the time to make lunch to take to work. I ran out of the house and went to work. I checked my checking account online at work and I had a 0 balance. Normally, I have an anxiety attack when I find that I have a 0 balance, but this time, I said to myself, "Oh well," and continued working. My co-worker came to my office door and told me she would buy me lunch. Thank you Jesus! We went to a nice restaurant and had a nice lunch.

God is Good!


These are things I want to have, want to be, or want to do:

To be out of debt
An emergency fund
Not to have to worry about money
Be a good steward of time and money
Good health
Children who are valuable members to society
Good relationship with my children
My grandson
Family dinners with my children
To do ministry
To volunteer
To be published (I actually have a poem that is published in a book called "Our Written Voices" (
Go to school full time
Get a Ph.D
A clean house
To maintain a clean house
New kitchen
New bathroom
Floors done in house
Interior of house painted
Railing for outside of house
A garage door or brick in the garage
Lawn landscaped
A laptop
A flat screen tv
A portable dvd player
To learn yoga
To do weight training
A good husband
A spa vacation
Drive across country touring the USA

Monday, March 2, 2009


Recently, I have been talked to and talked to about my habitual lateness at work. Why am I late so often? I have no real excuse. I do believe it is a passive-aggressive streak in me. I am not enjoying work and the politics, so I will get back at them by being late. It is childish and of course is only hurting me. So, I definitely have to create a new rhythm. For one week so far, I have been on time. This is the new rhythm I am creating.

Wake to alarm
Fix lunch
Get dressed
Take 7:19 AM bus

Bathe at night
Lay out clothes for next day
Get bag ready
Go to bed

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Finding My Style

My first entry is in response to a Wings To Soar weekly challenge.

Colors that catch my eye are:

Purple is for royalty. My bedroom is lilac.

Lately, I have been interested in greens, particularly yellow green.

Red for me is bold. I really would like to try red, orange, or yellow in my home, but have yet to do it.

Furniture that make me drool.

I like hardwood floors.


I like to wrap myself up in a nice heavy blanket.

Believe it or not, I've never really thought about flowers. Sure I love to receive them and I rarely have received them, but for the sake of the challenge, I'll give this a try.

African Violet

